Feral Flora principally grows Michigan-native plants from wild collected seed.
Additionally, we offer some 'nearly native' plants along with natives that are not Michigan genotype.
In addition we have an online Airtable Catalog:
The Airtable catalog is best viewed with a laptop or a desktop computer as it will include filters, sorting and search capabilities.
Note: You do not need to have an Airtable account to view this catalog:
(Tap or Click on catalog image)
Once you are ready to order—please see our How To Order plants page.
For wholesale customers, please email us for industry catalog
Rain and Pollinator Garden Kits
Feral Flora offers special, Rain and Pollinator Garden kits as a discounted, 32-count tray of our 3” individual pots ($120)
*Seasonally Available
Each kit will contain at least 6 species of our choice, one of which will be a grass or sedge. The kits sell for the same price as a 32-count single species flat, a 25% discount from being purchased individually.
Water is a precious resource and Rain Gardens are a great way to do your part in keeping our rivers, lakes and groundwater clean.
Rain Garden Kit : We will select a variety of species for you that work great in most rain gardens, or tell us a little about your conditions and desired look and we’ll choose based on your specifications.
And who doesn’t
LOVE Pollinators?!
Pollinator Garden Kit :
Please indicate:
Sun or shade?
Sandy, dry, clay, or wet soils?
Anything else you’d like us to know about your garden preferences
Ethical Implications of Nursery Production
Although we are growing plants with an explicit mission to sustain life in all its diversity of forms, there are several potential drawbacks to large-scale nursery production.
These include plastics use, peat extraction, chemicals, and water use. We are attempting to address some of these issues, and looking into future solutions.
As part of our effort, we accept returns of our pots and trays in good condition for re-use, with the exception of the 3” pots. Contact us for more information: nursery@feral-flora.com
We do not use any herbicides or pesticides in any of our production, and are evaluating the feasibility of moving to organic fertilizers. Thank you in advance for helping us save resources!